Link to article here. “Synthetic-biology-based approaches to design practices, which have a material engagement with design and engineering practices, propose a new set of conditions in which architectures can alter their characteristics to suit changing environmental conditions. Living materials raise the possibility that buildings can make a positive impact on their local surroundings by performing […]
3D-printed spider robot skitters where humans can’t “Roboticists from German research group Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have used a 3D printing process to create a terrifying spider-like octoped that skitters over hurdles and jumps over gaps.”
“One man’s incredible hobby is another man’s vision of the future. Since June of 2005, farmer Joe Murray has been excavating a basement in his home in Saskatchewan Canada using only radio controlled vehicles.” Link
Emily Badgers, from The Atlantic, talks about 5 planning moves that could have prevented or at least mitigated some aspects of flooding in New York.