“THE REGIONAL MODEL. Only closed cities are cut off from their surrounding regions; open cities are not. The blue islands are startling because they provide stark evidence that we live in closed cities. This evidence flies in the face of some of the most basic assumptions about our present modes of urbanization. The urban fabric […]
“An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. ” http://hint.fm/wind/
Nail Houses are becoming a common sighting in the news about new construction in China. The term was coined in reference to the fact that these houses are like a “stubborn nail” which is difficult to remove; a nuisance essentially. In Beijing in 2004, when confronted with plans for a shopping mall, which would displace […]
“Sandy hit but reports events verified from the Wire services or local media after. Click on a dot to see an event – or download data for yourself. Search an address or share view to get the precise url” via The Guardian