In the NY Times….
In the NY Times….
Daniel Piker has a few interesting experiments in Grasshopper that deal with self-organization of geometries and forms. One in particular is his sketch of surface tension. Link to his blog post
Project Description in Spatial Information Design Lab The Million Dollar Blocks is a Data Spatialization/Visualization project that reveals potentials for neighborhood investment strategies by showing relationships between neighborhoods and their being possible origin for high incarceration rates. ” The maps suggest that the criminal justice system has become the predominant government institution in these communities […]
Water Economies by Lateral Office
“As people walk around the room they see inside their shadow the live and recorded image of other visitors, while their own image is recorded for live or delayed playback inside the shadow of someone else. The piece includes high resolution surveillance cameras with face recognition and 3D tracking, turning the exhibition room into one […]
Architecture and Resistance by Lebbeus Woods
““We weren’t fully going back to nature with our plan,” Mr. Cassell said. “We thought of it more as engineered ecology. But if you look at the history of Manhattan, we have pushed nature off the island and replaced it with man-made infrastructure. What we can do is start to reintegrate things and make the […]
Link here. “When it comes to cycling apparel, it’s right that style plays second fiddle to safety. But if high visibility can be achieved without making the ultimate sartorial sacrifice, so much the better. With its Sporty Supaheroe cycling jacket, the Utope Project aims to achieve just that – integrating 64 RGB LEDs into its […]
Link here. “Piccolo is a pocket-sized stand-alone CNC platform. For under $70, you will be able to assemble your personal Arduino-compatible kit for tinkering, and playing with basic CNC output. Be it plotting a quick graffiti, printing a one-off business card on the fly, or multiple Piccolos working together to create a large mural, this […]
OMA’s Roadmap 2050 is a guide to a low-carbon Europe. See links below for articles and access to documents:
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