My initial interests for my thesis stemmed from animals and the process in which some were able to take in oxygen through their skin. This led to the idea of biomimicry. Abstract principles are being learned from forms, processes, materials, etc. in nature that may be applied to man-made designs. In Delanda’s Matter Matters: Building with […]
Chemical warfare does not depend upon explosive force to achieve an objective. Rather it depends upon the unique properties of the chemical agent weaponized. A lethal agent is designed to injure or incapacitate the enemy, or deny unhindered use of a particular area of terrain. Defoliants are used to quickly kill vegetation and deny its […]
Strangers: Upper,lower, middle classes, and foreigners included, only interact with one another if need be, such as upper requiring a service from the lower. The upper and some of the middle classes have formed an Elitist attitude. They believe they are the only true Shanghainese. They believe anyone inferior to them is not worth interacting […]
Shanghai: PM10 and PM2.5: These particles are caused by dust or emissions from vehicles, factories, construction sites and coal combustion. Fine particulates (PM2.5) can penetrate lungs and enter the bloodstream, making them the most detrimental to health. As you’d expect, chronic exposure leads to an increased risk of health issues, particularly heart disease and lung cancer. […]
Coral polyps generally take up molecular oxygen that is dissolved in seawater directly by diffusion through their tissues. That O2 can move from the surrounding environment into the epidermal layers of the polyp or from the internal gastrovascular cavity into the gastrodermal (internal) tissues. Water-pumping cells within the gastrovascular cavity help the diffusion process here. […]
Construction dust in the air and on the streets. Exhaust from industrial buildings (Sulfur dioxide, NH3, and nitrogen dioxide) Smoggy conditions where one cannot see more than 10 feet in front of them Smells like burning waste (coal, garbage, plant matter) Cannot see the sky Streets are filled with dust, soot, and garbage. Mostly […]
Photosynthesis:Photosynthesis uses sunlight to split water and carbon dioxide from oxygen. It is the main source of energy for nearly all forms of life on Earth. The photosynthesis of water occurs in the thylakoids of chloroplasts in plants. Thylakoids are located in the stroma. The thylakoids are flattened disks, bounded by a membrane with a lumen […]
Jellyfish: External respiration: The exchange of gases between the environment and an animal occurs by diffusion through a wet surface on the animal which is permeable to oxygen and carbon dioxide. Diffusion is the random movement of molecules and causes a net movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of […]
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