
(also see course reserve in library and online dedicated dropbox for excerpts/full books access)

__general bibliography

selected readings

DELANDA, Manuel, “Matter Matters” – Article Series in Domus magazine

(dropbox, also online on Google Docs)

DELANDA, Manuel, “Cities and Nations” in A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity, Continuum, 2006

STERLING, Bruce, “Meet the Spime”, “A Synchronic Society” in Shaping Things, Mediawork, MIT Press, 2005 (dropbox excerpts)

HAYLES, Katherine, “Connecting the Quantum Dots, Nanotechscience and Culture” in Nanoculture, Implications of the New Technoscience, Intellect Ltd, 2004  (dropbox)

VINGE, Vernor, Rainbow’s End (several excerpts), Tor Science Fiction, 2007

EASTERLING, Keller, “Comtemplation: Error” and “Contemplation: Pirate” in Enduring Innocence, MIT Press, 2007

EASTERLING, Keller, “Subdvision Products”, in Organization Space, MIT Press 2001

APPADURAI, Arjun, “Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology” in Modernity at Large, University of Minnesota Press, 1996

BANHAM, Reyner: “Megastructures: Urban Futures of the recent past”

JOHNSON, Steven, “Emergence”, Scribner, 2002

BALL, Philip, Branches, Oxford University Press, 2001

(dropbox excerpts)

BALL, Philip, Flow, Oxford University Press, 2001

(dropbox excerpts)

BALL, Philip, The Self-Made Tapestry, Oxford University Press, 2001

BALL, Philip, Made to Measure, Princeton University Press, 1999

GALLOWAY, Alexander, Protocol: How Control exists after Decentralization
MIT Press, 2004

GALLOWAY, Alexander, and THACKER, Eugene, The Exploit: a Theory of Networks, University of Minnesota Press, 2007

FULLER, Buckminster, “World Game” in Critical Path, St. Martin’s Press, 1981

ALLEN, Stan, Landform Building, Lars Muller Publishers 2011

Living in the Endless City, Phaidon Press, 2011

Endless City, Phaidon Press, 2011

AMIN, Ash, and THRIFT, Nigel, Cities, Polity, 2002

GALLOWAY, Alexander, and THACKER, Eugene, The Exploit: a Theory of Networks, University of Minnesota Press, 2007


Directed Research Suggested Readings

Stephen Johnson, “Emergence” (forthcoming in course reserve – see excerpt in dropbox)

Manuel Delanda, “Cities and Nations” in New Philosophy of Society (dropbox)

Manuel Delanda, “Virtual Environments and the Emergence of Synthetic Reason”

Reyner Banham, “Megastructures: Urban Futures of the Recent Past”  (forthcoming in course reserve)

John R. and Margaret Gold, “OLYMPIC CITIES : CITY AGENDAS, PLANNING AND THE WORLD’S GAMES, 1896-2016” (forthcoming in course reserve)

Winny Maas and others, “NL28” (forthcoming in course reserve)

Simon Sadler, “Archigram: Architecture without Architecture” (forthcoming in course reserve)

Peter Lang and William Menking, “SuperStudio: Life without Objects” (forthcoming in course reserve)

DOXIADIS, C.A., Anthropopolis, W.W. Norton Company, New York, 1975
FULLER, Buckminster, Synergetics, McMillan Publishing, 1975
FULLER, Buckminster, Ideas and Integrities, Collier Books, 1969

Vernor Vinge, “An Excellent Affiliance” in “Rainbow’s End” (excerpt – dropbox)

Anthropocene Definition (wikipedia)

Anthropocene (Economist)

“The End of Theory: the data deluge makes the scientific method obsolete”

Saskia Sassen: “What Matters: Talking back to your Intelligent City”

Phillip Ball, “Made to Measure: New Materials for the 21st Century”

Kazys Varnelis, “The Rise of Network Culture” (dropbox)

Sanford Kwinter, “Soft Systems” (dropbox)

Peter Yeadon, “Small is Big” (dropbox)

Manuel Delanda, “The Limits of Simulation”, in AD magazine (dropbox)

Arjun Appadurai, “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy” in “Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization” (dropbox)

Michael Batty, “Cities and Complexity” (excerpts in dropbox)

Usman Haque, “Hardspace, Softspace” (dropbox)

Ricky Burdett and others, “The Endless City”, “Living in the Endless City” (forthcoming in course reserve)


For those of you who were curious about this:

Friedrich Kittler’s “There is no software”

Lev Manovich “There is only Software”


_Supporting Bibliography

Ubiquity, Locality and Economy
Weber, Samuel, “Displacing the Body”
Carson, Anne, “Economy of the Unlost” (on gift economies)
Appadurai, Arjun, “Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational
Anthropology” (excerpt in dropbox)
Bataille, George, “The Accursed Share”
EASTERLING, Keller, “Enduring Innocence”, “Organization Space” (forthcoming in course reserve)
CACHE, Bernard, “Earth Moves”

Media Space, Networks, Privacy, Power
GALLOWAY, Alexander, “Protocol: How control exists after decentralization”, “Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture” (forthcoming in course reserve)
HUBLER, MASSUMI and other, “Interact or Die: there is drama in the networks”
Saskia Sassen, Talking back to your Intelligent City

AD on Collective Intelligence


Models and Space

FERNANDEZ-GALIANO, Luis, “Fire and memory”
Rheinhold, Martin, “Organizational Complex”
Batty, Michael, “Cities and Complexity”
Sterling, Bruce, “Shaping Things” (forthcoming in course reserve)
MAAS, Winny, “Space Fighter”
Novak, Marcos, “Transphysical City”, “Transarchitectures and Hypersurfaces” (articles)
AD (Architecture Design magazine) on “Digital Cities”, “Territory”,



Scenarios/Scenario Design

How to build scenarios

wiki: scenario target 2020, by BT futurology unit

scenario planning resources

Architecture Precedent
BANHAM, Reyner, “Architecture of the Well-tempered Environment”, “Megastructure: Urban Futures of the Recent Past”
MOMA edition, “The changing of the avant-garde”
WIGLEY, Mark, “Constant’s New Babylon”
PRICE, Cedric, “Opera”
DENNIS, CROMPTON, and others, “A guide to Archigram 1961-74”

Other Architecture references:




Media, Science and Culture
Kittler, Friedrich, “Optical Media”
KWINTER, Sanford, “Far from Equilibrium”

VIRILIO, Paul, “The Vision Machine”

AGAMBEN, Giorgio, “The Open: Men and Animal”

HAYLES, Katherine (ed.), “Nanoculture”

Programmable Matter/Meta-Materials/Nanotechnology vs Space:
CAPOLINO Filippo (ed.), “Theory and Phenomena of Metamaterials”
Transmaterial (see index for classification discussion purposes)
SASS, Stephen L., The Substance of Civilization
ADDINGTON, Michelle, SCHODEK, Daniel, “Smart Materials and Technologies”
McCarthy, William, “Hacking Matter”

GOODSELL, David, “Bionanotechnology: Lessons from Nature”

(googlebook version)

SMITH, David and Others, “Metamaterials: Theory, Design and Applications”

(google book version)

(check this for major list of resources)

Distributed Robotics

Nature&Computation, Biomimicry/Biomimetics/Bionic
FLAKE, Gary, “The Computational Beauty of Nature”
GOULD, James, and GOULD, Carol, “Animal Architects – Building and the Evolution of
Kittler, Friedrich, “Optical Media”
INGRAHAM, Catherine, “Architecture, Animal, Human”
JOHNSON, Stephen, “Emergence”
BALL, Philip, “The Self-Made Tapestry”
BALL, Philip, “Branches”, “Flow”, “Shapes”
BALL, Philip, “Life’s Matrix: a biography of water”

Science Fiction, Fiction
VINGE, Vernor, “Rainbow’s End”
STROSS, Charles, “Accelerando”
STEPHENSON, Neal, “Diamond Age”
STEPHENSON, Neal, “Snowcrash”
“La Tour” – Schuitten&Peters (graphic novel)
“L’Archiviste” – Schuitten&Peters (graphic novel)

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