“Sandy hit but reports events verified from the Wire services or local media after. Click on a dot to see an event – or download data for yourself. Search an address or share view to get the precise url”
via The Guardian
“Sandy hit but reports events verified from the Wire services or local media after. Click on a dot to see an event – or download data for yourself. Search an address or share view to get the precise url”
via The Guardian
“THE REGIONAL MODEL. Only closed cities are cut off from their surrounding regions; open cities are not. The blue islands are startling because they provide stark evidence that we live in closed cities. This evidence flies in the face of some of the most basic assumptions about our present modes of urbanization. The urban fabric is no longer seamless. Over the past half century, new development has jumped beyond the perimeter of the existing city and has formed into discrete suburban clusters. In the interstices of these clusters, open space has emerged and this open space has often been associated with the qualities of natural environments. In one sense, the fabric of the city has been dispersed. In another, urban fabric has been infiltrated by open space. This trend has led to the assumption that the closed, monolithic forms of the traditional city have been opened up to the natural environment.”
“Andreas Raptopoulos wants drones to deliver our stuff. He’s the founder and CEO of Matternet, and he hopes to build networks for “micro-transportation” that will allow unmanned aerial vehicles to ferry all sorts of goods across long distances, especially in places where the roads either suck or are perpetually crammed full of commuters.”
Read More here via Motherboard
Emily Badgers, from The Atlantic, talks about 5 planning moves that could have prevented or at least mitigated some aspects of flooding in New York.
Project Description in Spatial Information Design Lab
The Million Dollar Blocks is a Data Spatialization/Visualization project that reveals potentials for neighborhood investment strategies by showing relationships between neighborhoods and their being possible origin for high incarceration rates.
” The maps suggest that the criminal justice system has become the predominant government institution in these communities and that public investment in this system has resulted in significant costs to other elements of our civic infrastructure — education, housing, health, and family. Prisons and jails form the distant exostructure of many American cities today.
The project continues to present ongoing work on criminal justice statistics to make visible the geography of incarceration and return in New York, Phoenix, New Orleans, and Wichita, prompting new ways of understanding the spatial dimension of an area of public policy with profound implications for American cities.”
OMA’s Roadmap 2050 is a guide to a low-carbon Europe.
See links below for articles and access to documents:
Link here.
“When it comes to cycling apparel, it’s right that style plays second fiddle to safety. But if high visibility can be achieved without making the ultimate sartorial sacrifice, so much the better. With its Sporty Supaheroe cycling jacket, the Utope Project aims to achieve just that – integrating 64 RGB LEDs into its stretchable, wearable circuit boards. And the inclusion of in-built sensors means the LED array can display a variety of patterns depending on circumstance.”
Link here.
“Piccolo is a pocket-sized stand-alone CNC platform. For under $70, you will be able to assemble your personal Arduino-compatible kit for tinkering, and playing with basic CNC output. Be it plotting a quick graffiti, printing a one-off business card on the fly, or multiple Piccolos working together to create a large mural, this kit provides a platform for experimenting with 2D or 3D digital fabrication at a small scale. “
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